Association of geographers of Slovenia / Zveza geografov Slovenije

Association of geographers of Slovenia is the umbrella professional institution of Slovene geographers, founded in 1922. Is one of the oldest professional associations of the state. In 1992, at the 27th IGU Congress in Washington, the Association of the Geographic Societies of Slovenia was accepted as fully entitled member to the International Geographical Union and in 2009 the member of EUGEO.

The Association is executing the following tasks: it co-ordinates activities of regional geographic societies, supports professional research, stimulates and directs modernization of teaching, prepares professional conferences, lectures and field works, promotes and develops international professional co-operation, conducts professional publishing.

Members of the Association are 8 independent geographic and related societies with more than 700 members. They organise professional lectures, prepare didactic resource materials, organise excursions in and aroundSlovenia, etc.

The Association executes activities through its several operative bodies – commissions: on Geographic Research, on Geographic Education, on Professional Publishing, on Financial Matters, on Awards, and some temporal bodies (congress organising committees). The association has organised 22 Slovene geographic congresses where the greatest achievements of all branches of geographical science were presented. Each meeting was held at a different location where regional topics were discussed. Besides regular conferences, the Association has organised several meetings on problems related to Slovenia and the profession.

Association of geographers of Slovenia /Zveza geografov Slovenije
Aškerčeva 2 SI -1000




Publishing is an important task of the Association. It issues two periodic publications. Geographical Bulletin/Geografski vestnik ( is a journal of geography and related disciplines. It has been published since 1925 and is therefore not only the oldest Slovenian geography journal, but also one of Slovenia’s oldest periodicals.

Geographic Horizon/Geografski obzornik ( , is a geographic journal established to popularise geography. It has been issued from the year 1954 onwards. The nature of it contents is informative and devoted to the modernisation of geography teaching and the spreading of professional knowledge.

Besides these central publications the Association has published several studies related to the topics of the meetings of Slovene geographers ( Other professional publications have been supported as well. In order to present Slovenia and Slovenian geography to the international professional world the Association published in 2004 “Slovenia: a geographical overview” (