The Geographical Society of Ireland was founded in 1934 to promote geographical studies in Ireland and welcomes as members all persons who are interested in the subject. Some ninety people attended the first meeting convened in Academy House, Dublin in November 1934. Robert Lloyd Praeger was elected as the first President of the GSI. In 1944 the Society published its first journal, titled Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Ireland. Within three years this was restyled as Irish Geography – a title it holds to the present day.


The Geographical Society of Ireland strives to promote the status and study of geography in Ireland and enhance its international reputation. The GSI aims to raise awareness of the value and impact of Geography in Ireland through a variety of activities.


  • Hosting in collaboration with individual Geography Departments and Schools, the annual Conference of Irish Geographers, which demonstrates the high quality of geographical research being undertaken in universities and in other public and private institutions across Ireland and beyond. The Conference will mark its 50th year in 2018.

  • The publication of ‘Irish Geography‘ the premier peer-reviewed journal devoted to the geography of Ireland which has an international distribution and is read on six continents. 

  • Each November the society coordinates and promotes GeoWeek – Irish Geography Awareness Week – to coincide with international events. A range of educational activities organised by society members, non-members and universities are highlighted on our website and Geonews blog. 

  • The Society operates an Awards programme that recognises the contribution of Irish Geographers to the study and development of Geography in Ireland and internationally.

  • Throughout the year the Society also collaborates with other organisations to support a range of events across the country

  • The Geographical Society of Ireland actively lobbies government and other organisations on matters of strategic importance, including the status of the subject in the primary and secondary educational systems.


The Geographical Society of Ireland continues to welcome new members from both professionals and members of the public. The current President (2022-24) is Dr Ruth McManus (Dublin City University) email:

The GSI was delighted to host the 2019 EUGEO in Galway, on the west coast of Ireland in May 2019 and Ireland is looking forward to hosting the 2024 IGC in Dublin – details available here:

. For further information please contact the secretariat at  


Irish Geography (

Irish Geography is the leading peer-reviewed international journal on the geography of Ireland and has been published since 1944. An early editorial decision was to concentrate on the geography of Ireland and this has been maintained ever since. More recently, to reflect the changing context and increased importance of globalization and migration to Ireland, an editorial decision was made to extend the scope of the journal to include contributions on the Irish diaspora and overseas networks. In addition to research articles, the journal publishes shorter commentaries, topical reviews, theoretical discussions and book reviews. We encourage contributions within the scope of the journal from those working in a range of disciplines, encourage work by early career researchers and consider comparative papers with a significant Irish component.


Irish Geography is published by the Geographical Society of Ireland and welcomes contributions across the broad spectrum of the discipline. It is published twice per year in May and November.



Geonews is the newsletter of the Geographical Society of Ireland, providing news and information about geography in Ireland and about the activities of the Society. It acts as a forum for the discussion of matters of general geographical interest. GeoNews was previously published twice per year (usually in May and December) but we are currently in the process of moving to a quarterly publication with the following themes. 


  • Spring – Special Edition – Special Feature topics can be proposed by members

  • Summer – Focus on Conference of Irish Geographers

  • Autumn – Focus on what is happening in Geography across the country

  • Winter – Review of events of the Year and looking forward to next years events


Submissions of interest to the wider geographical community (in form of articles, commentary pieces, field trip reports, details on events etc) are always welcome.


If you are interested in submitting to GeoNews please contact the current editor, Paul Alexander, Dept. of Geography, NUI Maynooth.