The Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (SGL) was founded in 1875. It is, in both its aims and origins, an institution which is closely linked to the Portuguese situation at the time, to the Europe of that time and to the problem of Portuguese position in relation to overseas colonies and, in particular, to Africa.

Over the years, and through the changing fortunes of the country, it established itself as perhaps no other private institution has done, being actively connected to Portuguese cultural life, at times undertaking initiatives, at others collaborating according to the needs of national life.

Today, the maintenance and strengthening of cultural and scientific ties with Portuguese speaking countries through conferences, seminars, the production of books and the systematic publication of the Bulletin is a fundamental concern.

General cultural activity in a wide variety of fields has also been on the increase. From the study of the rational exploitation and exploration of the oceans, cartography and mathematical geography as well as the conservation of cultural heritage to the most varied areas of historical and literary study, its Committees and Departments have demonstrated the range of SGL activities.

The Library of the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa is currently recognised, both nationally, as indispensable for anyone wishing to research into not only the Portuguese Discoveries and Expansion, but also the Geography, History and Ethnography of the community of Portuguese speaking countries. It, therefore, annually welcomes researchers from all over the world.

Members of the SGL can join together according to their academic and cultural interest to fulfil the statutory requirements.

The four General Committees should be mentioned as well as the fifteen Professional Departments. Encompassing a large amount of the knowledge, deriving from Cartography and Mathematical Geography, trough Literature and Historical studies on Heritage, these work groups have held numerous study sessions, presenting papers and debates where varied initiatives have been put forward. The Bulletin of SGL keeps readers up to date with these sessions through summaries or even in the reproduction of papers given.

Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (SGL)
Rua das Portas de St° Antão
100 – 1150 Lisboa



Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa

Produced by associates of SGL. Papers and conferences are produced by associates and report the activities of the SGL Commissions and Sections and also of Library and Museum activities.

The Boletim is published annually.